Winter 2020
Christmas 2020
"Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth
be glad ... : He cometh."
~ Offertory, First Mass at Midnight
This year, which has been so difficult since March when the pandemic resulted in lockdowns, ended with unsurpassed beauty and hope. Regina Caeli celebrated two glorious Masses in the midnight hour of a cold, starlit Christmas morn: High Mass inside St. Athanasius Chapel Hall and Low Mass outside at the St. Michael Shrine. It was the first Christmas Midnight Mass at the shrine and, as the faithful participated in the outside Mass, they could see the lights at St. Athanasius Chapel Hall, and pray in union with the brethern there who prayed in union with them. At the same time, fireworks were set off in the surrounding neighborhoods, which, in their own secular way, celebrated the birth of Christ.
Additionally, the "great conjunction" of Jupiter and Saturn occurred in late December. According to "It’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter occurred at night, as it will for 2020, allowing nearly everyone around the world to witness this 'great conjunction'.”
Fr. Van Vliet at the HIgh Mass on Chirstmas Day thanked the many volunteers who make this parish so special. God love your all.
Photo Albums:
2020 Christmas High Mass
2020 Christmas Low Mass
Fall 2020
Rorate Caeli Mass
December 5, 2020
"Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above ...."
~ Introit, Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Advent
Begun before dawn and celebrated only by candlelight, the Mass honors the Light of the world, Who will soon be born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As the Mass progresses, the sun begins to rise and, upon its end, stretches golden rays into the chapel.
Photo Albums: 2020 Rorate Caeli Mass
Daily Mass for the Dead, Deceased FSSP & CSP Members
November 5, 2020
"Grant Thine everlasting mercy,
we beseech Thee, O Lord, to the souls of thy servants ...."
~ Collect, Daily Mass for the Dead
Each year, during one of the first eight days of November when Holy Mother Church traditionally grants a plenary indulgence for Poor Souls provided certain conditions are met, the Fraternity celebrates a Daily Mass for the Dead for deceased members of the FSSP and the Confraternity of St. Peter (CSP). A catafalque is placed between the six unbleached candles and is blessed and incensed in the same manner as that of a deceased person at a Funeral Mass.
Photo Albums: 2020 Mass for Deceased FSSP & CSP Members
Pilgrimage to St. Joseph Catholic Church
October 17, 2020
"Ite ad Joseph." ~ Gen.. 41:55
"Joseph fidelissime, ora pro nobis."
~ Litany of St. Joseph
Having celebrated Our Blessed Mother ten days before (see below), the faithful turned to St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Fr. Malian led the faithful in a walking pilgrimage to St. Joseph Church in the Sixth Ward. St. Joseph Church, established in 1880, is celebrating a Parish Jubilee Year, granted by Pope Francis, in this year of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
Over 200 faithful gathered at the Annunciation Church parking lot downtown at 10:30 a.m. and, with police escort, peacefully prayed 10 decades of the Rosary in Latin. Upon arriving at the church, they were greeted by the pastor, Fr. Victor Perez, who opened the church doors for the final set of devotions. Afterwards, Fr. Perez offered confession to pilgrims. The purpose of the pilgrimage was to pray for the Church, the city and families, as well as to earn the plenary indulgence.
Read more about the Local Church Jubilee Year
Photo Albums: October 2020 Pilgrimage to St. Joseph
Our Lady of the Rosary
October 7, 2020
"Regina sacratissimi Rosarii, ora pro nobis."
~ Second Vespers, Our Lady of the Rosary
Catholics love our Blessed Queen and Mother! Particularly in these difficult times, with the pandemic and health concerns, strife and turbulence in the streets and in politics, attacks on the Faith and hostility of the world to families, the faithful of our parish wanted to honor Our Lady on her feast day and invoke her protection of old. A candlelit procession followed the evening sung Mass and oh, what a beautiful sight it was! A wanning moon, still night and flickering candles guiding the way thorugh the dark cloak of night. From the church to the St. Michael Shrine and back, the faithful recited the spiritual weapon of Catholics throughout the ages, the Rosary.
Because a benefactor donated so many flowers - too many to adorn the bier - a decision was made to allow the faithful to present Our Lady with the flowers after the procession. It was a chance to shower her with love one final time. Regina Caeli, protect us!
Photo Albums: 2020 Our Lady of the Rosary
Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel
September 29, 2020
An impromptu procession to the nearly completed shrine
Bell Tower Back In Commission
(A Temporary Pre-Bell Tower Home)
September 26, 2020
See Summer 2020 for more information.
September 19, 2020
"Spiritus Sanctus superveniat in vos ...."
~ Invocation, Confirmation Ceremony
At long last, the moment Confirmandis have been yearning for arrived! For two years, Confirmandi prepared to receive the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost through the Sacrament of Confirmation. They participated in catechism classes and special activities and were tested for their readiness by the priests. Four days before the original Confirmation date of March 21, 2020 all parishes were shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic (see story below). Confirmation for every parish in the Archdiocese had to be re-scheduled for when the churches re-opened. Because of local restrictions and health concerns, this year's ceremony was limited to the Confirmandi, their sponsors and one family member each. Masks were worn, but the solemnity and beauty of the sacrament was unmarred. Congratulations to Alexis, Alfredo, Anthony, Ashley, Benjamin, Braden, Caleb, Carter, Cecilia, Chloe, Evan, Gabrielle, George, Isaac, Joaquin, John, John, John, John-Paul, Joseph, Joseph, Karen, Leo, Luke, Maria, Matthew, Nicholas, Olivia, Patricia, Paul Joseph, Peregrine, Rohan, Roman, Ruth, Sam, Sedona, Teresa, Trinity!
Photo Albums: 2020 Confirmation
Summer 2020
Bell Tower Out of Commission
September 5, 2020
Bell tower moved due to rotting timbers. The bell will be silent until a temporary tower can be built.
2020 St. Michael Shrine Photo Album Updated
Check out the recently added photos!
Summer Camp, Re-Envisioned
June-August 2020
Due to strict pandemic regulations, our Third Annual Summer Camp became our first Online Summer Children's Program. It combined family made videos with parish videos featuring the priests, small group craft projects and small group outdoor projects, such as this rosary drawn by the children and then prayed together (see aerial photo nearby). This year's theme focused on the various Catholic orders, their charisms and some of their more famous saints. Families got creative, offering video re-enactments of specific events, foods associated with religious order saints and even fun how-to recipes. One at-home project involved making crucifixes from wood left over from the St. Michael Shrine. The program ended in August, but hey, the next one is only ten months away!
Spring 2020
Corpus Christi
June 11, 2020
"Hic est panis, qui de coelo descendit ....
Qui manducat hunc panem, vivet in aeternum."
~ Gospel, Feast of Corpus Christi
The Feast of Corpus Christi was particularly poignant after weeks of shutdown due to the pandemic. For many faithful, not having access to the Mass stirred in their hearts a greater appreciation of our Lord's sacrifice made present on the altar and of Holy Communion so that, on this feast day, they wanted to express their love for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The evening Mass was to capacity, given safe distancing requirements, and the morning Low Mass was live-streamed for viewing throughout the day for those unable to attend. During the procession that followed, First Communicant girls strewed white rose petals on the path as the Blessed Sacrament, carried by Fr. Malain, proceeded to the second altar. After benediction, the Blessed Sacreament was carred back to the chapel for a final blessing of the faithful.
The External Solemnity was celebrated the following Sunday, June 14, but the procession at the High Mass was limited to the interior of the chapel due to the limited time between that Mass and the next.
Photo Albums: 2020 Corpus Christi
May Crowning
May 31, 2020
"O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today ...."
~ Hymn, "Bring Flowers of the Rarest"
The Crowning of Mary normally occurs on the first Sunday of May, but due to the parish shutdowns and scramble to re-open our chapel for Sunday Masses for the first time since March 17th, it was impossible. Fr. Van Vliet chose May 31st, Pentecost Sunday, for the May Crowning as an appropriate substitute date since the fire of the Holy Ghost descended most particularly on Mary on that day and also the date itself is the feast of the Queenship of Mary under the Traditional calendar.
At 2:30 p.m., the faithful gathered and the youngest First Communicant crowned Our Lady with the help of her father. After a short procession, the First Communicants led the faithful in presenting flowers to our patron saint, Regina Caeli.
Photo Albums: 2020 May Crowning
First Communion
May 16 and 23, 2020
With public Masses resumed, the children who had been preparing for First Communion eagerly desired to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. The large number of communicants combined with the reduced seating resulted in three Saturday Masses with groups of children, one on May 16th and two on May 23rd, as well as private Masses for those families with health conditions that placed them at risk. After every Mass, the celebrant conferred the Brown Scapular.
Congratulations to our First Communicants: Alyssa, Andrew, Arabella, Avo, Briana, Camille, Caroline, Celeste, Emily, Gregory, Gwen, Isaura, Jacob, Jaxson, Laura, Luke, Maranatha, Maria, Mariebelle, Martial, Simon, Stephen, Thomas A., and Thomas L.!
Public Masses Resume with Restrictions
May 3, 2020
"Jubilate Deo, omnes terra, alleluia ...."
~ Introit, Third Sunday After Easter
April 27, 2020, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Phase I of the opening of Texas, effective immediately. Phase I included occupancy restrictions and other conditions to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus and allow a continual re-opening in subsequent phases. On Wednesday, April 29, His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo released a letter to the faithful that public Masses would resume May 3 or the following Sunday, at the pastor’s discretion, given that certain conditions had to be met before the Mass could be celebrated. He also stated that the obligation to attend Mass remained suspended. The opening of non-liturgical activities continued to be suspended, pending future guidelines and continual opening of Texas.
Pastors scrambled to meet the criteria specified by His Eminence, including the mandatory restriction of 25% occupancy, safe distancing, immediate sanitation after Masses and other requirements. Parishes that needed more time opened May 10, but our priests called an ad hoc meeting of representatives from various parish groups to coordinate a plan to allow immediate re-opening. Thus, on the Third Sunday after Easter, May 3, public Masses resumed at Regina Caeli Parish. Alleluia!
To stay within the 25% occupancy rule, a temporary Mass reservation system for Sunday Masses, limited to parishioners, was set up and two additional Masses were added to the Sunday schedule. Parish registrations increased significantly during this period as faithful who thought they had registered realized they had not. Knights of Columbus checked the reservations and kept order on Sundays. Faithful were asked to not stay after Mass in order for volunteers to sanitize the building before the next Mass began.
Click the following links to read:
Letter from His Eminence to the Faithful, April 29, 2020
Letter from Our Pastor to the Faithful, May 1, 2020
Progress on the St. Michael Shrine
Ongoing, 2020
Rooftop beams installed in April
The St. Michael Shrine beckons visitors from a distance, seen only after passing the circular Marian Garden and second gate. Work began in late 2019 and will be finished by summer. Volunteers have donated time, skills and necessary supplies and equipment to keep the project going on time and within budget. Outside contractors are not being utilized. This is the second shrine buiilt using the volunteer labor. The first was built as a gift to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church when we were operating out of their parish.
Photo Albums: 2020 St. MIchael Shrine, Work Continues and 2019 Work on St. MIchael Shrine
April 9-12, 2020
Public liturgies continue to be suspended
Easter Vigil
"... non est hic: surrexit enim, sicut dixit."
~ Angel to the women, Gospel
Empty pews marked the difference between this year's Easter celebration and past, but the Vigil and Easter Sunday solemnities were just as glorious. The Sunday Mass was livestreamed.
Photo Album: 2020 Easter Vigil
Good Friday, Apr. 10
"Quem quaeritis?"
~ Gospel, Good Friday
Fr. Malain, in his sermon on suffering:
Suffering is for everyone, but the acceptance of the Cross is for the few, the few of the Faith, the few that love Jesus. We do not know all the suffering and trials God will give us in the life, but we all know we have numerous crosses that we must bear. Our Lord would ask us in the midst of these trials and sufferings: "Whom seek ye?" Do you seek yourself or do you seek Christ? If you seek Christ, then you know your suffering must become a cross of death, a cross that leads to eternal life.
Photo Album: 2020 Good Friday
Maundy Thursday, Apr. 9
"Hic est enim Calix Sanguinis Mei ..."
~ Canon of the Mass, consecration
Fr. Van Vliet, in his sermon on Holy Communion:
The Church requires the faithful to receive Holy Communion at least once a year at Eastertide. Until Pope St. Pius X relaxed the rules, a person could only receive Communion with the permission of the priest, after making a good Confesiion. Perhaps with frequent Communion, we have gone too far the other way.
In Holy Communion, a person receives the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to worthily receive, he must have the sanctifying grace of charity. If it is not there, he cannot receive the Victim of Charity. We must seek sanctification with devotions and prayers, regular Confession and the avoidance of mortal and venial sins. To receive worthily, we need the right intention: not going out of routine or for vanity or hidden motives, but simply to please God. Christ gives Himself to us according to our disposition.
Make use of spiritual communion during this time so as to more worthily receive our Lord in the future.
Photo Album: 2020 Maundy Thursday
Holy Week Begins: Palm Sunday
Apr. 5, 2020
Palm Sunday, private Mass videotaped for faithful.
Photo Album: 2020 Palm Sunday
Parishes in the Archdiocese Fall Silent
March 18, 2020
"This is one of the great goods that can come from this trial.
We have been given more time to think and to pray ...."
~ Excerpt from Fr. Malain's Passion Sunday sermon
Shortly after this photo was taken, churches were closed except for Confession by appointment.
On Dec. 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a previously unknown respiratory disease originating in Wuhan, China. On Mar. 11, WHO assessed the virus, now called COVID-19, as a pandemic. On Mar. 16, President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control issued guidelines for social distancing, recommending social gatherings be limited to ten or less people, restaurants, bars and schools be closed and nursing homes and other facilities for the elderly not admit visitors, including family. On Mar. 19, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order for the State of Texas to that same effect and one hour later, Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston, and Harris County Judge Linda Hidalgo issued a Stay Home, Stay Safe Order with the same restrictions. On Mar. 30, the guidelines and orders were extended through April 30, with the possibility of additional extensions.
Ecclesiastical authority, in concern for the health of the faithful and in response to the recommendations of civic authorities, began issuing suspensions. On Mar. 11, the Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, suspended public celebration of the Mass, the first diocese in the country to do so. On Mar. 13, Dallas and San Antonio dioceses issued suspensions and, on March 17, His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo released a letter, postponing sacraments except Confession and suspending public Masses indefinitely, effective the next day.
And so it was, on March 18, parishes in the Archdiocese fell silent. No public Masses, no children’s catechism, no meetings, no sacraments. Just silence.
Parishioners watch live stream of Mass.
Regina Caeli Parish, in accordance with the Cardinal’s request of each parish, began test streaming the day’s Mass on Friday, Mar. 20 and, on Laetare Sunday, Mar. 22, sent an email notification to the faithful that a link of each day’s Mass was now available on the parish homepage. Fr. Van Vliet, preparatory to his sermon on Laetare Sunday, stated:
The Mass continues to be offered despite the faithful not being able to attend in person. The internet can help keep us connected with the parish, but it, in no way, replaces attendance at Mass. For the time being, the obligation has been lifted by His Eminence .... but even so, attendance remains a precept. When something is taken away from us, that is when we often realize how much we need it, how much we long for it .... I encourage you to make frequent spiritual communion.
On Passion Sunday, Fr. Malain, in a powerful sermon, addressed the spiritual cause of the coronavirus crisis.
May God have mercy on us all.
Click the following links to read:
On the Crisis and the Church, Fr. Malain's sermon on Passion Sunday
Letter from His Eminence to the Fathful, March 17, 2020
Prayer in Times of Epidemics, recited after every Mass in Fraternity apostolates
Spiritual Communion
First Communion Altar Tour
March 10, 2020
Every year, Fr. Van Vliet treats the First Communicants to an altar tour, where he shows them liturgical appointments, vestments and aspects of the altars such as the tabernacle and the marble stone containing the saints' relics where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass takes place. He explains that the priest must have permission from his ordinary and shows them his faculties.
The Tower of David (TOD) children went on tour on Tuesday, Mar. 10. The tour for the CCD children was scheduled for the following Sunday, Mar. 17, but was cancelled when His Eminence suspended Masses due to the pandemic. Photo Album: 2020 Altar Tour
Yippee Ki Yay!
Feb. 27-28, 2020
This is the second year the Trailriders have spent the night on the property en route to the Houston Rodeo, which began Friday, Feb. 28. The Trailriders arrived early Thursday evening and left the next morning, after attending the 6:30 a.m. Mass, for Memorial Park and the Houston Parade. Before leaving, they presented Fr. Van Vliet with a framed appreciation certificate and a donation to the parish. Both Father and Betty White were invited to join them on their last leg of their journey. The criteira: cowboy hat and red shirt (red being Ms. White's favorite color, that was an added plus, and, of course, black is allowed for the Padre). Father could not go, and a lucky parishioner, with hat and red shirt, went in his place. Ride 'em, cowboy!
Photo Album: 2020 Trailriders Visit the Property
Lenten Season
Feb. 26 - April 11, 2020
Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent, 6:30 p.m.
Fish Fry every Friday in Lent, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Photo Album: 2020 Lent Begins
Fr. James Garrity, OSB Visits the Parish
February 16, 2020
Fr. James Garrity, OSB visited the parish on Sunday to say the 7:30 a.m. Mass and speak with CCD children about the monastic life. A monk at Clear Creek Abbey in Hublert, Oklahoma, he was in the Houston area visiting family. He was recently ordained in the priesthood and offered first blessings after the 7:30 a.m. Mass.
Fr. Van Vliet led Fr. Garrity to the CCD classrooms, from first level to fifth, but ran out of time before getting to the sixth (post-Confirmation). The children were excited to meet a monk and learn of the monastic life and the role of prayer in their community.
Once-a-Month Parish Workdays * Saturdays * Ongoing, 2020 * All Hands, Big & Small
One Saturday a month, the parish has a work day, organized by Matt Anderson under the direction of Fr. Van Vliet, to tackle non-routine maintenance projects that enhance the church grounds. All hands are welcome, big and small, and work is apportioned, and supervised, according to the skills of the volunteers. Some of the recent tasks include construction of the St. Michael Shrine, brush clearing, fence maintenance and constructing a moveable goat pen. With 40 acres of mostly undeveloped land, there is plenty to do. The parish Knights of Columbus provides lunch for the volunteers.
Photo Album: 2020 Saturday Parish Work Days
February 2, 2020
"... kindle with the light of Thy heavenly benediciton these
candles which we, Thy servants, desire to receive and to bear
lighted in the honor of Thy Name ...."
~ Second prayer, Blessing of the Candles
Sunday, February 2, was the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which Our Lady presented her Son to the temple and Simeon, taking the Infant in his arms, declared Him "a Light of revelation fo the Gentiles" and a glory for the Israelites. The Church traditionally blesses candles to be used in the liturgical year on this day and allows the faithful to bring devotional candles of at least 50% beeswax to be blessed for use at their homes. A procession of lit candles, symbolic of our prayer for our souls to be lit with heavenly fire, follows the blessing of the candles.
Photo Album: 2020 Blessing of the Candles
Welcoming Fr. Michael Malain
January 27, 2020
Fr. Malain arrived from the Phoenix apostolate Mater Misericordiae, where he had been serving for over two years. He originally planned to arrive in time for the Ground Breaking, but being delayed, was with us in spirit. He has always taken an interest in Regina Caeli, from its inception onward because Texas is his home state. He grew up in Humble and attended Texas A&M and the University of Houston before entering the seminary. He is our third assistant pastor. To learn more about Fr. Malian, click here.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the
Blessed Solanus Casey Gatehouse
January 26, 2020
"Stretch out Thy hand of might ...
expel the devil and let thine angels preside."
~ Blessing of the Land
From a tiny apostolate operating out of a host parish in 2014 to the construction and dedication of St. Athanasius Chapel Hall in 2016, to the successful retirement of an interim construction loan in 2017, to the rapid growth in membership and the pressing need for more space, to a second capital campaign in spring 2018 with a follow-up campaign in 2019, it has been full-speed ahead for parish expansion.
Due to the generosity and prayers of the faithful, more than $2.6 million in pledges and gifts has been raised, sufficient to allow construction of the Blessed Solanus Casey Gatehouse. January 26, 2020 was chosen as the date for the ceremonial groundbreaking and planning began in earnest. The Knights of Columbus cooked barbeque fixings for the day, volunteers staked and chalked the site of the future building for easier visualization, a mini-stage was built and a gold shovel pulled out of storage, last used for the groundbreaking of our first building. Fr. Zachary Akers, Fraternity Development Officer of the North American District, came from Pennsylvania to join in the festivities.January 26th arrived with sparkling skies (despite weather forecasts of rain). More than 360 faithful attended the morning High Mass celebrated by Fr. Akers and stayed for the ceremonial groundbreaking and reception that followed. As the Litany of the Saints began in the chapel, the faithful processed behind the priests and altar servers to the site of the future Gatehouse. Once the Litany concluded, Frs. Van Vliet and Akers welcomed the guests and thanked them for their generosity and prayers. In noting the vibrant growth of the
apostolate, Fr. Akers reminded us that we are blessed to have land for expansion, which many apostolates lack. The remarks ended with a blessing of the site and the ceremonial ground breaking by Frs. Van Vliet and Akers and Jerry Tipps, the architect who has guided the building plans for the apostolate since its inception. Good pastor that he is, Fr. Van Vliet then turned towards where the KC’s were manning the BBQ grill and blessed the food, releasing the jubilant, but by now, very hungry crowd, not to mention the even hungrier livestock waiting for Ms. Betty to feed them!
The Blessed Solanus Case Gatehouse will provide additional space to accommodate our current membership and encourage future growth while also opening up the possibility of a third priest and expanded Mass schedule. It will contain classrooms, offices and rectory facilities.
Very special thanks to all who made this a wonderful day of celebration! May God reward you!
Photo Album: 2020 Ceremonial Ground Breaking, Gatehouse
Saying Goodbye to Fr. Kodet
January 12, 2020
Fr. Kodet was re-assigned to the Rhode Island apostolate.
Blessing of the Epiphany Water
January 5, 2020
"…every unclean spirit … begone and stay far from the
Church of God, from all who are made in the image of God and
redeemed by the precious blood of the divine Lamb."
~ Prayer, Blessing of Epiphany Water
The evening before the twelveth day of Christmas, the blessing of the Epiphany Water takes place. Although the blessing of holy water in the Traditional Rite always contains exorcism, this blessing contains the most powerful exorcism against Satan because of its connection to the baptism of Christ. The Feast of the Epiphany on the next day celebrates the three-fold revelation of Our Lord: the star that led the three pagan kings to the Infant Jesus, the baptism of Jesus at which God the Father spoke and the Dove descended, the first miracle of Jesus during the wedding at Cana.
Photo Album: 2020 Blessing of Epiphany Water.