The consecration is significant first and foremost because the Fraternity has chosen as one of its principal patrons, Our Lady under her august title of Mother of God. Secondly, the consecration falls near the October 7th feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. Our Lady, through the Rosary, preserved so many tenacious adherents to the devotion through difficult years and, as if rewarding them with fruits for their labors, the Traditional Mass was once again made available to many.
Finally the re-consecration near the feast of the Holy Rosary brings to mind St. Pius V, who instituted the feast after the great Catholic victory at the battle of Lepanto. St. Pius also codified the Traditional Mass, ensuring that it would be preserved for centuries to come, and through whose intercession it can be reasonably assumed that the Traditional Mass is continually preserved by the highest guardians of orthodoxy even in our day.
We encourage all who are unable to attend one of the Sunday Masses at the parish on October 6 to recite the consecration prayer during October, month of Our Lady of the Rosary.